Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A friend and her millionaire husband visited their construction site. A worker who wore a helmet saw her and shouted, "hi,Emily! Remember me? We used to date in the secondary school." On the way home,her millionare husband teased her, "Luckily you married me.Otherwise you will be the wife of a construction worker." She answered,"You should appreciate that you married me.Otherwise,he will be the millionare and not you."
Frequently exchanging these remarks plants the seed for a bad relationship.It's like a broken egg cannot be reversed.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Last speaker
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Greatest union
"Well- what happened?" the wife asked.
"Well-I've got good news and bad news."
"First the good news- I got Rm 100,000 severance pay!"
"Wonderful,wonderful," said the wife."Now what is the bad news"?
"Wait till you find out what they severed!"
Friday, July 18, 2008
Apakah akan terjadi kepada kepada siasatan polis keatas sesuatu pengaduan mangsa rogol atau pun meliwat yang mangsanya terdiri dari kanak kanak atau dewasa yang mana kebetulan adalah saudara mara kita seandainya kesemua orang yang dituduh itu enggan memberi atau membenarkan ujian DNA diambil untuk lengkapkan sesuatu siasatan?
Apa jenis keadilan yang akan simangsa yang kadangkala maseh menyusu akan dapat kalau pihak yang menyiasat tidak dibenarkan mengambil sampel DNA orang yang kena tuduh?
Bolehkah sikecil membantu siasatan tanpa ada DNA orang yang disyaki?
Bolehkah kesemua orang yang dituduh meletak syarat2 dan meminta pasukan forensic dari luar negara untuk menjalankan ujian DNA keatas mereka?
Kalau kita tidak ada keyakinan atau kepercayaan dari semua jabatan dari kehakiman,kesihatan,kimia,polis,pendakwaraya dan lain lain lagi,abis apa yang kita percaya?
Apakah sebab adanya satu dua doktor yang tersilap beri ubat atau membuat kecuaian maka kita tidak lagi percaya kepada doktor,disebabkan ada peguam yg menipu maka kita tidak lagi percaya pada peguam,disebabkan ada tok2 yg merogol cucu,bapa2 yg merogol anak sendiri,abang2 yg merogol adik kandung sendiri maka kita tidak percaya kepada semua "tali persaudaraan ini,disebabkna ada satu dua ustaz atau pak lebai yg melakukan rogol atas anak murid yg dihantar untuk mengaji quran maka kita tidak percaya pada yg lain dan menghalang anak2 dihantar untuk mengaji quran.
Renung2kanlah.kita ada akal fikiran,fikirlah sendiri.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Responsibities of parents toward children
A man who is outstanding in his field.
This will be rather a short talk tonight and I want to thank three people for it.My partner,who took a 45 minute speech and edited it down to 30 minutes.My wife,who took the 30 minute speech and edited it down to 15 minutes.And my secretary,who took the 15 minute speech and lost it. (Robert Orben)
The renowned speaker was asked by the journalist,what was the most difficult work in his speaking profession-travel,preparation of addresses,interviews,handling questions or what.?
"Well," said the speaker, "my biggest problem is to awaken my audience after the Chairman of the meeting has introduced me."
distinguished speaker
Undisturbed peace ever after.
"Old Subcriber: finding a spider in your paper was neither good luck nor bad luck for you.The spider was merely looking over our paper to see which merchant is not advertising so that he can go to that store,spin his web across the door and lead a life of undisturbed peace ever after."
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Water rebate may be harmful
The intentuion is noble,but the act itself may be harmful.While there is reason to rejoice for those whom the rebate will ease financial burden,I cannot help but feel sad to think that more likely than not,a great number of ignorant Malaysians will continue(or even increase)to carelessly waste water.
Malaysia is blessed with plentiful water, a resource so precious globally.
I believe that there is lack of awareness of the fact that water security is an issue plaguing many countries in the world.
While 70% of this fresh water,only 2.5% is fresh water,and 70% of this water is locked up in ice in Antartica and Greenland.
True dry lands extend over nearly half of the earth's land surface and the area is increasing due to various anthropogenic-related stress.
At the conference on water issues some years ago,I was shocked by the attitude displayed by the then Energy,Water and Communications Minister who callously said Malaysia did not have a water issue,and that we had 95% of underground water resources unexplored.
A person in his capacity,I assumed would understand that the underground water is exploited as among the last resort.
In 2005,the department of Environment monitoring activities found that almost 50% of our river basins are polluted to certain degree.
In Selangor alone,only 35% of the rivers are suitable for water intake.It comes as scare commodity in Malaysia,water rebate will be the least of our concerns.
NEL,Kuala Lumpur.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Seorang lelaki
yang banyak menyembunyikan duka
dalam senyum
melindungi kepayahan dan derita
di kolam matanya yang hening
dalam kesuraman senja
sewaktu mentari terbenam
dia pulang membawa pucuk paku
dan haruan dari sawah
dalam udara kabus
di limun pagi
dia sudah mulakan tugas
menoreh getah.
ketika menghulurkan bekal nasi lemak
pada ibu diberikannya duit
untuk belanjaku ke sekolah
dia tak pernah menunjukkan
muka masam
memukul atau marah
tetapi sering menasihatkan
supaya aku rajin belajar
jadi orang berguna
untuk masyarakat
dan bangsa tanah air
suatu masa
aku ingin membalas
budi dan jasamu.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Lurid and Suggestive.
After several days of waiting and anticipation,the postman finally delivered a book that fulfilled every promise: a cookbook.
Friday, June 13, 2008
The difference between racial and racist.
In the light of current political developements,the words "racial" and "racist" need to be explicated and put in the right context.
The word "racial" is a derivative adjective from the root noun "race" which has several shades of meaning according to the Oxford Dictionary.
Its meaning include:(i) "each of the major divisions of humankind,having distinct physical characteristics" and (ii) "a group of people sharing the same culture,language etc;an ethnic group."
The adjective "racist" is derived from the noun "racism" which according to the Oxford dictionary means:(i) "the belief that there are characteristics,abilities or qualities specific to each race" and (ii) "discrimination against or antagonism towards other races."
While "racial" has a neutral,non-emotive meaning, "racist" has emotive undertones.
The word "race" has become unpopular because of its associations with the now discredited 19th century theories of racial superiority exploited indiscriminately by certain quarters.
Today the term "ethnic group" is preferred to describe a community of people sharing the same physical and cultural characteristics.
While being partial to and protective of one's own ethnic group is natural and should be seen as an extension of loyalty towards kin and kind,being antagonistic and discriminatory towards people who do not share one's physical make-up and culture is not.
Speaking up for your own community is not an act of racism.It should be seen as a positive force,especially when the intention is to inspire and drive them to greater heights of achievement.
Asking the Malays to protect their own interests should be seen in this context,as it is natural for the chinese,Indians and other ethnic groups to consolidate their respective positions.
It is only when a goverment is prejudiced against particular ethnic groups and imposes discriminatory policies against them that it can be said to practice racism.It is only when you consistently accuse another ethnic group of being lazy or incapable that you can be said to be racist.
The Star. Halimah Mohd Said,Kuala Lumpur.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
கோஇங் தீபேர்.
Then the passenger boarded the plane and took their seats.The step retracted automatically;the doors closed automaically.The aeroplane taxied towards the runaway.Everything was perfect.
Then a gentle voices came through the speakers,"Good afternon",ladies and gentlemen,wellcome to the World's first fully computerised airliner.Everything on this aircraft is run electronically and automatically.Just sit back and relax.Be assured that nothing can go wrong....nothing can go wrong....nothing can go wrong..."
Monday, June 2, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Pelangi tersentak dan terkedu membacanya.Nampaknya tak ada tempat sukan untuk sukan.Kini semangat sukan kenalah sama dengan semangat politik.Seingat ingat pelangi negara-negara blok komunis dahulu yang sentiasa mempolitikkan segala apa aktiviti rakyatnya baik sosio ekonomi dan poltik termasuklah sukan,dan ia dibawa ke muka dunia untuk menunjuk nunjuk kehebatan ahli-ahli sukan yang mewakili negara komunis.Ia dibuat untuk propaganda politik negara blok komunis.
Lepas membelek The Star pelangi menyelak Harian Metro.Dalam ruang berita sukannya terbaca YB Menteri KBS menyatakan beliau tidak akan bertandang ke Negeri Pulau Pinang yang dibawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri YAB Lim Guan Eng sekiranya penganjuran Piala Juara-Juara Belia 2008 tetap dijalankan.Ktanya lagi mungkin beliau hanya akan ke venue di Terengganu adan Melaka.
Pelangi lagi pening kepala.Pening pasal kalau tak silap beberapa hari dulu apabila isu dua pemain bolasepak antarabangsa yang berbangsa Yahudi dalam satu pasukan bolasepak yang dikatakan akan bermain di bumi Malaysia dibenarkan.Sebabnya kata YAB TPM,Malaysia tidak mahu mencampur aduk kan politik dengan sukan.Pelangi rasa memang pendirian itu wajar lagi tepat,sukan untuk sukan.
Terdapat dua senario diatas,terpulanglah kepada budibicara kita untuk merenungkannya.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Twice as much.
"Any wish you make tonight will come true," said the fairy."But remember that whatever you ask,your boss will get twice as much."
"That's interesting,"admitted the manager."Im half dead tonight.And I think I'd like to stay just that way."
Our dislike for someone must never degenerate into a state where we wish him dead.An evil thought,according to Scriptures,is as culpable as an actual act.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Plan and Assumption
And then came the Assumptions
And the Assumptions were without form
and the Plan was completely without subtance
and darkness was upon the face of workers
and they spoke among themselves,saying,
"It is a crock of shit,and it stinketh to high heaven."
And the workers went unto their Supervisors and sayeth,
"It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odour thereof>"
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers and sayeth,unto them,
It is a container of exrement and it is very strong,such that none may abide by it;"
And the Manager went unto their Directors and sayeth.
It is a vesel full of fertiliser,and none may abide its strenght."
And the Director spoke among themselves,saying one to other,
"Its contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."
And the Directors went unto the Vice-President and sayeth unto them,]
"It promotes growth and is very powerful".
- This is How Shit happens.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Member of Parliament failed to speak up.
Syura wajib untuk pemimpin.
- Pemimpin berhak untuk memutuskan segala urusan yang berkaitan dengan kerja-kerja yang lazim dalam pentadbiran dan fungsi-fungsi eksekutif.Pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab akan memastikan semua perkara yang berkaitan dengan perundangan diambil kira sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan bagi semua faktor.
- Pemimpin perlu memikirkan perkara-perkara penting yang memerlukan tindakan atau penyelesaian segera apabila sesuatu masalah ditimbulkan atau dikesan dan membentangkannya kepada ahli-ahli atau ketua ketua kumpulan melalui pertemuan bersemuka atau dalam sesuatu persidangan atau sebarang perhubungan komunikasi moden.Keputusan atau penyelesaian perlu dicapai melaui perundingan.
- Kesemua halaqah atau ahli kumpulan perlu menyatakan persetujuan atau tidak bersetuju secara bebas atau mengubahsuai cadangan pemimpinnya tanpa sebarang sekatan dengan niat untuk mencapai maksud yang memanfaatkan.Sebarang ketidakpuasan atau perbezaan pendapat tidak harus dibawa keluar dari meja perundingan atau mesyaurat.
- Segala dasar,keputusan strategik dan perancangan jangka panjang perlu dirumuskan melaui perundingan bersama,kerana dari kaca mata pengikutnya,perkara ini akan menguatkan lagi kewibawaan seseorang pemimpin.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman,jadilah kamu orang yang benar-benar penegak keadilan,menjadi saksi kerana Allah biarpun terhadap dirimu sendiri atau ibu bapa dan kaum kerabatmu.." (An-Nisaa'; 4:135)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Now, somebody's going to want to know how to warm up that ocean.Well, I'm not going to worry about that.It is a matter of details,and I'm not a policy maker."
*** Although a policy maker need not bother himself with little details,like the day -to-day running of the company,he needs to have a firm grasp of crucial details which could either make or break the organisation.
McDonald's attention to crucial details like the smiles on the witnesses' faces and the friendly and polite greetings they extend to customers are winners that bring in the sales and foster customer loyalty.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Smart Kids smart answer.
Shasha : Here it is!
Teacher : Correct,now class,who discovered Penang?
Class : Shasha teacher!
Teacher : Why are you late Muthu?
Muthu : Because of the sign.
Teacher : What sign?
Muthu : The one that says 'School Ahead,Go slow.'
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We can't always control our heart,our mind,our body
Our deeds,our wants,our desires,
We want what we don't have
We don't want what we have,
But when we lose what we have we want it back
And when we get what we wanted,we don't want it anymore,
We are complicated
We are hard to figure out
We don'talways make sense,not even to ourself,
We usually have good intentions,but it doesn't always show.
We are extreme
We either care too much or too little.
We want nothing or everything
We don't really cry
Not like we used to
We don't know if that's because we are strong or because we are heartless
We like to think we are a rock
we like to, doesn't mean we are
We are happy
Our life is good
We are content
Just a little confused,that's all.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Laporan Suruhanjaya siasatan viideo V.K Lingam
Secara tidak semena mena terlintas dalam fikiran suatu ungkapan yang berbunyi begini "In searching for everything you want,be careful not to lose what you have".
Friday, May 16, 2008
Anger do not solve a problem.
Later in the day,the man came back along the street and found a bigger fight than ever in full swing.
"What happening?" he asked one of the onlookers. "Oh those fighting are the six angry arbitrators you urged those two guys to get to settle that fight."
Anger doesn't solve a problem.It often makes it worse.Anger is very much like fire-when it finally dies out,it leaves a path of destruction.Heed the advice of Thomas Jefferson in handling anger: "When angry,count to ten before you speak;if very angry,a hundred."
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
morning thought.
"Do not dwell in the past,do not dream of the future,concentrate the mind in the present moment,"....Buddha
Friday, May 2, 2008
Decent and restrained language
Saturday, April 26, 2008
They say the Prime Minister of Singapore who will succed Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew must be an exact relpica of him.The people of that island village who have settled for astro-turf gardens,and incubators for graduate-breeding,will easily make their Lee Clones Yous...Mat Merah
Yap Ah Loy and the other Chinese miners(in British Malaya)obliged their competitors by selling them mining land.When the European companies failed the 'towkays'bought back their mines at bargain prices with a great deal of spanking new equipment.The European minings disasters were...a means of accelerating the mechanization of Chinese mining. ...J.M.Gullick.
Everything is controlled by the sods.The country is riddled with homosexuals who are teaching the world how to behave;a spectacle of revolting hypocrisy. ...Sir Thomas Beecham.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
No selective persecution on any publication
The writer felt a huge disappoinment because of non renewal of Makkal Osai license and not so convince of the alleged violations of its publication permit.The writer continued by saying that the decision not to renew Makkal Osai is seen yet another "regrettable episode of gross insensitivity toward the indian community". Why do you say such a thing? The non renewl of Makkal Osai permit as been explain by the home minister was due the the continued defying of the said newpaper to adhere to stipulated rules and regulations of its permit,furhermore makkal osai had been warn and yet given a year to make itself to follow what can nad cant as in the permit.There must be few incident where makkal osai keep harping on sensitive issues that our country coulg not afford to"accomodate" and their insensitivity could create disharmony in our multy religious society.One's freedom to sucide is no freedom and surely an act to stop the sucide does not mean that his basic freedom had been halted or breached more so if that action can save the majority.
As a responsible elected responsible goverment would not "kow tow" to any aprticular section of their people just to "please them" and get their lost support by being "ambil hati" even some wrongs had been done.I dont think any goverment would be running the country just to please and get back their support this way.Please dont always think the negative side,and please see rightfully and fairly not all the goverment deeds of this 51 years is all wrong and neglecting the indian community.Dont use blinkers when you walk and talk.I am all out for everybody's rights as the citizen of our country but be fair to the country and the goverment.Dont pluck before the fruit is ripe.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Samy:All Barisan leaders to blame. The STAR.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
"As a Malaysian,I am truly fed up with all the back-stabbing and bickering in UMNO.There are greater issues that need to be addressed.They should focus on running the country instead of wasting time jokeying for power.."
"If the prime minister is to step down,then all the UMNO representatives before the March elections should follow suit because they should all share the responsibility.."
"There should be less politicking and more concern for the nation and the people.These politicians don't seem to have learnt their lesson.The people are watching them.."
"Why this obsession with the succession plan?Pas didn't not have any problems governing Kelantan even though it won by only one seat in 2004.."
Police score double major success....
The second succes came in when they busted four suspects believed to be involved in the 9 April KLIA $1.5mil heist.Police also seized five automatic pistols and part of the loots,totalling over $400,000.
In recent weeks our man in blue succesfully carrying out their duties with dedication and higj level of professionalism as expected them to be.
Eventhough at time we are so critical about their performance in fighting crimes but they are trying their best to take the critics as positive as possible and continue carrying out their duties with outmost professionalism.
A salutation to our man in blue whom are performing their duties to make our country more safe to everyone.Bravo!Job welldone.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Orang yang paling "gentlemen" ialah Tun Salleh Abbas yang terima dengan hati terbuka apa saja "aknowledgement" dan
terima seadanya serta tidak menaruh harapan "a formal apology" dari kerajaan.
A feather on Pak Lah's cap.Dalam situasi sekarang yang dialami,Pak Lah berani kerana benar.Yang tak sedapnya bila PKR pulak nak tumpang "sekaki" dengan mengatakan sudah lama mereka berjuang untuk ini.Yang pelangi tahu dan sedar Bar Council dari dulu ada menyuarakan masalah ini.
Apa pun pelangi senja rasa ia satu 'win win situasion'
untuk semua pihak yang terlibat termasuk rakyat jelata dan rakyat akan mengalu alukan penubuhan judicial commission untuk perlantikan hakim2 dan skim perkhidmatan mereka.