Thursday, April 24, 2008

No selective persecution on any publication

I was flipping tru the star and stop at columnist m.veera pandiyan's Along The talking about the new home minister and his new role in the ministry and his arsenal powers he wields.I do believes for thatmatter any home minster in the world would have that arsenal powers just to play the role of "maintaining peace and public order" in the country so that its citizens feel free and save in carrying out their daily cores.Nothing to envy about and nothing to cheer or jeer about because nothing is tested upon yet on his capabilities as a home minister yet.So,passing early judgement on his decision to approve apublication permit for the PKR or his progressive views on press freedom.
The writer felt a huge disappoinment because of non renewal of Makkal Osai license and not so convince of the alleged violations of its publication permit.The writer continued by saying that the decision not to renew Makkal Osai is seen yet another "regrettable episode of gross insensitivity toward the indian community". Why do you say such a thing? The non renewl of Makkal Osai permit as been explain by the home minister was due the the continued defying of the said newpaper to adhere to stipulated rules and regulations of its permit,furhermore makkal osai had been warn and yet given a year to make itself to follow what can nad cant as in the permit.There must be few incident where makkal osai keep harping on sensitive issues that our country coulg not afford to"accomodate" and their insensitivity could create disharmony in our multy religious society.One's freedom to sucide is no freedom and surely an act to stop the sucide does not mean that his basic freedom had been halted or breached more so if that action can save the majority.
As a responsible elected responsible goverment would not "kow tow" to any aprticular section of their people just to "please them" and get their lost support by being "ambil hati" even some wrongs had been done.I dont think any goverment would be running the country just to please and get back their support this way.Please dont always think the negative side,and please see rightfully and fairly not all the goverment deeds of this 51 years is all wrong and neglecting the indian community.Dont use blinkers when you walk and talk.I am all out for everybody's rights as the citizen of our country but be fair to the country and the goverment.Dont pluck before the fruit is ripe.