Pelangi membelik surat khabar The Star pagi tadi.Terbaca YAB MB Perak memberi semangat kepada ahli-ahli sukan negeri itu yang akan bertanding dalam Sukma 2008 yang akan berlangsung di Terengganu.Yang menariknya semangat sukan ala baru ditiupkan.Ahli -ahli sukan yang mewakili negeri Perak di suruh menunjukkan "semangat Pakatan Rakyat" kerana mereka ini adalah wakil "negeri negeri dibawah pemerintahan pakatan rakyat".
Pelangi tersentak dan terkedu membacanya.Nampaknya tak ada tempat sukan untuk sukan.Kini semangat sukan kenalah sama dengan semangat politik.Seingat ingat pelangi negara-negara blok komunis dahulu yang sentiasa mempolitikkan segala apa aktiviti rakyatnya baik sosio ekonomi dan poltik termasuklah sukan,dan ia dibawa ke muka dunia untuk menunjuk nunjuk kehebatan ahli-ahli sukan yang mewakili negara komunis.Ia dibuat untuk propaganda politik negara blok komunis.
Lepas membelek The Star pelangi menyelak Harian Metro.Dalam ruang berita sukannya terbaca YB Menteri KBS menyatakan beliau tidak akan bertandang ke Negeri Pulau Pinang yang dibawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri YAB Lim Guan Eng sekiranya penganjuran Piala Juara-Juara Belia 2008 tetap dijalankan.Ktanya lagi mungkin beliau hanya akan ke venue di Terengganu adan Melaka.
Pelangi lagi pening kepala.Pening pasal kalau tak silap beberapa hari dulu apabila isu dua pemain bolasepak antarabangsa yang berbangsa Yahudi dalam satu pasukan bolasepak yang dikatakan akan bermain di bumi Malaysia dibenarkan.Sebabnya kata YAB TPM,Malaysia tidak mahu mencampur aduk kan politik dengan sukan.Pelangi rasa memang pendirian itu wajar lagi tepat,sukan untuk sukan.
Terdapat dua senario diatas,terpulanglah kepada budibicara kita untuk merenungkannya.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Twice as much.
A manager worked day and night because he has a demanding boss,By the time he got home,he was completely exhausted.Just then, a fairy carrying a magic wand appeared in front of him.
"Any wish you make tonight will come true," said the fairy."But remember that whatever you ask,your boss will get twice as much."
"That's interesting,"admitted the manager."Im half dead tonight.And I think I'd like to stay just that way."
Our dislike for someone must never degenerate into a state where we wish him dead.An evil thought,according to Scriptures,is as culpable as an actual act.
"Any wish you make tonight will come true," said the fairy."But remember that whatever you ask,your boss will get twice as much."
"That's interesting,"admitted the manager."Im half dead tonight.And I think I'd like to stay just that way."
Our dislike for someone must never degenerate into a state where we wish him dead.An evil thought,according to Scriptures,is as culpable as an actual act.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Plan and Assumption
In the Beginning was The Plan
And then came the Assumptions
And the Assumptions were without form
and the Plan was completely without subtance
and darkness was upon the face of workers
and they spoke among themselves,saying,
"It is a crock of shit,and it stinketh to high heaven."
And the workers went unto their Supervisors and sayeth,
"It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odour thereof>"
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers and sayeth,unto them,
It is a container of exrement and it is very strong,such that none may abide by it;"
And the Manager went unto their Directors and sayeth.
It is a vesel full of fertiliser,and none may abide its strenght."
And the Director spoke among themselves,saying one to other,
"Its contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."
And the Directors went unto the Vice-President and sayeth unto them,]
"It promotes growth and is very powerful".
And then came the Assumptions
And the Assumptions were without form
and the Plan was completely without subtance
and darkness was upon the face of workers
and they spoke among themselves,saying,
"It is a crock of shit,and it stinketh to high heaven."
And the workers went unto their Supervisors and sayeth,
"It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odour thereof>"
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers and sayeth,unto them,
It is a container of exrement and it is very strong,such that none may abide by it;"
And the Manager went unto their Directors and sayeth.
It is a vesel full of fertiliser,and none may abide its strenght."
And the Director spoke among themselves,saying one to other,
"Its contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."
And the Directors went unto the Vice-President and sayeth unto them,]
"It promotes growth and is very powerful".
And the Vice-Presidents went unto the President and sayeth unto him,"This new plan will actively promote the growth,and efficiency of this Company,and these particular."
And the President looked upon Plan,and saw that it was good,and The Plan became Company Policy.
- This is How Shit happens.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Member of Parliament failed to speak up.
A member of Parliament was amking his maiden speech in parliament and was so nervous he fumbled and stumbled for words.
"Mr.Speaker,sir,... I con-con-con conceive.I con-con-conceive.I con-conceive...."
A voice from the gallery called out,"You've conceived three times and brought forth nothing."
*** Conception is to bring about the birth of something.It's only the start but birthing is the end result.It's such a pity to know that there are many good visions which have been conceived but have failed to birth forth anything concrete.
Syura wajib untuk pemimpin.
- Pemimpin berhak untuk memutuskan segala urusan yang berkaitan dengan kerja-kerja yang lazim dalam pentadbiran dan fungsi-fungsi eksekutif.Pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab akan memastikan semua perkara yang berkaitan dengan perundangan diambil kira sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan bagi semua faktor.
- Pemimpin perlu memikirkan perkara-perkara penting yang memerlukan tindakan atau penyelesaian segera apabila sesuatu masalah ditimbulkan atau dikesan dan membentangkannya kepada ahli-ahli atau ketua ketua kumpulan melalui pertemuan bersemuka atau dalam sesuatu persidangan atau sebarang perhubungan komunikasi moden.Keputusan atau penyelesaian perlu dicapai melaui perundingan.
- Kesemua halaqah atau ahli kumpulan perlu menyatakan persetujuan atau tidak bersetuju secara bebas atau mengubahsuai cadangan pemimpinnya tanpa sebarang sekatan dengan niat untuk mencapai maksud yang memanfaatkan.Sebarang ketidakpuasan atau perbezaan pendapat tidak harus dibawa keluar dari meja perundingan atau mesyaurat.
- Segala dasar,keputusan strategik dan perancangan jangka panjang perlu dirumuskan melaui perundingan bersama,kerana dari kaca mata pengikutnya,perkara ini akan menguatkan lagi kewibawaan seseorang pemimpin.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
" Setiap seorang di antara kamu adalah penggembala dan kamu akan dipertanggungjawabkan atas apa yang kamu gembalai."(Sahih bukhari dan Muslim).
" Maka disebabkan rahmat dari Allah kamu berlemah lembut terhadap mereka.Sekiranya kamu bersikap keras lagi kasar,tentulah mereka menjauhkan diri dari sekelilingmu.Kerana itu maafkanlah mereka,mohonkanlah ampunan bagi mereka dalam urusan itu.Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad,maka bertawakallah kepada Allah.Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-oarang yang bertawakal kepadanya." (Al-Imran; 3:159)
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman,jadilah kamu orang yang benar-benar penegak keadilan,menjadi saksi kerana Allah biarpun terhadap dirimu sendiri atau ibu bapa dan kaum kerabatmu.." (An-Nisaa'; 4:135)
"...Dan janganlah sekali-sekali kebencian terhadap sesuatu kaum,mendorong kamu untuk tidak berlaku adil.Berlaku adillah,kerana adil itu lebih dekat kepada takwa..." (Al-Maa-idah; 5:8)
"Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu menyampaikan amanat kepada yang berhak menerimanya,dan(menyuruh kamu)apabila menetapkan hukum di antara manusia supaya menetapkan dengan adil..." (An-Nisaa'; 4:58)
" Apakah kamu tidak memerhatikan orang yang menganggap dirinya bersih?Sesungguhnya Allah membersihkan sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan mereka tidak dianiaya sedikit pun. (An-Nisaa'; 4:49)
" Apabila dua orang datang kepada kamu untuk mendapatkan pertimbangan,jangan putuskan dengan memihak kepada satu pihak tanpa mendengar hujah daripada pihak yang lain; ia (kaedah ini)lebih memberatkan kamu untuk mengetahui kebenaran." (Rasulullah menjawab pertanyaan Ali r.a)
" Dalam ramai-ramainya orang,orang yang paling hampir dan dicintai Allah di hari Pengadilan ialah pemimpin yang adil,dan orang yang hina pada pandangan Allah dan yang dijauhi daripada_Nya ialah mereka yang tidak adil." (Rasulullah menjawab pertanyaan Abu Saeed r.a)
"Jika aku berhutang sesuatu kepada sesiapa;atau jika aku bersalah kepada sesiapa,atau merosakkan harta atau menjatuhkan maruah sesiapa,diri aku,maruah aku dan harta aku ada di sini;balaslah kepada aku semasa aku di dunia ini." ( sabda Rasulullah)
""Seorang yang menjadi hakim/pemulih tidak sepatutnya membuat sebarang keputusan bagi dua pihak yang berkonflik,sedangkan dia dalam keadaan marah." (sabda Rasulullah)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
During World war I, Will rogers had asuggestion for getting rid of the German submarine menace:"All we have to do is to heat the Atlantic up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.Then the submarines will have to surface,and we can pick them off one by one.
Now, somebody's going to want to know how to warm up that ocean.Well, I'm not going to worry about that.It is a matter of details,and I'm not a policy maker."
*** Although a policy maker need not bother himself with little details,like the day -to-day running of the company,he needs to have a firm grasp of crucial details which could either make or break the organisation.
McDonald's attention to crucial details like the smiles on the witnesses' faces and the friendly and polite greetings they extend to customers are winners that bring in the sales and foster customer loyalty.
Now, somebody's going to want to know how to warm up that ocean.Well, I'm not going to worry about that.It is a matter of details,and I'm not a policy maker."
*** Although a policy maker need not bother himself with little details,like the day -to-day running of the company,he needs to have a firm grasp of crucial details which could either make or break the organisation.
McDonald's attention to crucial details like the smiles on the witnesses' faces and the friendly and polite greetings they extend to customers are winners that bring in the sales and foster customer loyalty.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Smart Kids smart answer.
Teacher : Shasha,go to the map and find Penang.
Shasha : Here it is!
Teacher : Correct,now class,who discovered Penang?
Class : Shasha teacher!
Teacher : Why are you late Muthu?
Muthu : Because of the sign.
Teacher : What sign?
Muthu : The one that says 'School Ahead,Go slow.'
Shasha : Here it is!
Teacher : Correct,now class,who discovered Penang?
Class : Shasha teacher!
Teacher : Why are you late Muthu?
Muthu : Because of the sign.
Teacher : What sign?
Muthu : The one that says 'School Ahead,Go slow.'
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We don't always do the right things.
We can't always control our heart,our mind,our body
Our deeds,our wants,our desires,
We want what we don't have
We don't want what we have,
But when we lose what we have we want it back
And when we get what we wanted,we don't want it anymore,
We are complicated
We are hard to figure out
We don'talways make sense,not even to ourself,
We usually have good intentions,but it doesn't always show.
We are extreme
We either care too much or too little.
We want nothing or everything
We don't really cry
Not like we used to
We don't know if that's because we are strong or because we are heartless
We like to think we are a rock
we like to, doesn't mean we are
We are happy
Our life is good
We are content
Just a little confused,that's all.
We can't always control our heart,our mind,our body
Our deeds,our wants,our desires,
We want what we don't have
We don't want what we have,
But when we lose what we have we want it back
And when we get what we wanted,we don't want it anymore,
We are complicated
We are hard to figure out
We don'talways make sense,not even to ourself,
We usually have good intentions,but it doesn't always show.
We are extreme
We either care too much or too little.
We want nothing or everything
We don't really cry
Not like we used to
We don't know if that's because we are strong or because we are heartless
We like to think we are a rock
we like to, doesn't mean we are
We are happy
Our life is good
We are content
Just a little confused,that's all.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Laporan Suruhanjaya siasatan viideo V.K Lingam
Suruhanjaya diRaja untuk menyiasat Video V.K Lingam akhirnya telah menyiapkan laporan suruhanjaya dan telah diumumkan pada orang ramai.Enam nama nama individu telah dipaparkan.
Secara tidak semena mena terlintas dalam fikiran suatu ungkapan yang berbunyi begini "In searching for everything you want,be careful not to lose what you have".
Friday, May 16, 2008
Anger do not solve a problem.
A man tried to find a peaceful solution between two angry men fighting in his neighbourhood.He stopped them,heard the nature of their quarrel,and persuaded them to put the matter to arbitration by six men;each man to choose three of them.
Later in the day,the man came back along the street and found a bigger fight than ever in full swing.
"What happening?" he asked one of the onlookers. "Oh those fighting are the six angry arbitrators you urged those two guys to get to settle that fight."
Anger doesn't solve a problem.It often makes it worse.Anger is very much like fire-when it finally dies out,it leaves a path of destruction.Heed the advice of Thomas Jefferson in handling anger: "When angry,count to ten before you speak;if very angry,a hundred."
Later in the day,the man came back along the street and found a bigger fight than ever in full swing.
"What happening?" he asked one of the onlookers. "Oh those fighting are the six angry arbitrators you urged those two guys to get to settle that fight."
Anger doesn't solve a problem.It often makes it worse.Anger is very much like fire-when it finally dies out,it leaves a path of destruction.Heed the advice of Thomas Jefferson in handling anger: "When angry,count to ten before you speak;if very angry,a hundred."
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
morning thought.
"The on track mind that is trained is sidetracked.....Charles M.Schulz".
"Do not dwell in the past,do not dream of the future,concentrate the mind in the present moment,"....Buddha
"Do not dwell in the past,do not dream of the future,concentrate the mind in the present moment,"....Buddha
Friday, May 2, 2008
Decent and restrained language
We know it is good to use polite,decent and restrained language,in our daily dealings at home,on the business,in politics,in society and definetely in blogging.But,in spite of ourselves,we use wrong and filty language,from which arise many dissensions,small and big,at home,in society,in national and international affairsVery often we do not remember the power of words,their capacity to break or make,wound or heal.More often,our will just fails to carry into practise what we know about the power of words.Through the use of wrong language we are apt to make such wounds in other's hearts as will not be easily healed;or we may anger people to such an extent that dire consequeces may follow.And we ourselves shall have to reap them,however bitter they maybe.So bloggers the famous and infamous mind your word and language!!!.
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