Saturday, June 28, 2008

A man who is outstanding in his field.

Our next speaker is a man who is outstanding in his field.I hate that phare 'a man who is outstanding in his field.' You don't know if he's a celebrity or a farmer. (Robert Orben)

This will be rather a short talk tonight and I want to thank three people for it.My partner,who took a 45 minute speech and edited it down to 30 minutes.My wife,who took the 30 minute speech and edited it down to 15 minutes.And my secretary,who took the 15 minute speech and lost it. (Robert Orben)

The renowned speaker was asked by the journalist,what was the most difficult work in his speaking profession-travel,preparation of addresses,interviews,handling questions or what.?

"Well," said the speaker, "my biggest problem is to awaken my audience after the Chairman of the meeting has introduced me."

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